List of the new "EU laws" or other legislative initiatives that will be voted during the current Plenary Session at the European Parliament. These legislative texts willenter into force at the end of the legislative process.
COM(2022)0586- Proposal for a Regulationon type-approval of motor vehicles and engines and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles, with respect to their emissions and battery durability (Euro 7)
COM(2022)0329- Proposal for a Regulationon New environmental economic accounts modules
COM(2022)0068 - Proposal for a Regulation on Harmonised rules on fair access to and use of data (Data Act)
COM(2021)0725 - Proposal for a Regulation on the establishment and functioning of the European single access point
COM(2021)0723 - Proposal for a Regulation on the establishing a European single access point providing centralised access to publicly available information of relevance to financial services, capital markets and sustainability
COM(2021)0724 - Proposal for a Directive as regards the establishment and functioning of the European single access point
COM(2022)0120- Proposal for a Regulation on settlement discipline, cross-border provision of services, supervisory cooperation, provision of banking-type ancillary services and requirements for third-country central securities depositories
COM(2023)0108- Proposal for a Regulationlaying down conservation and enforcement measures applicable in the Regulatory Area of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation
COM(2021)0769 - Proposal for a Directive laying down for certain road vehicles circulating within the Union the maximum authorised dimensions in national and international traffic and the maximum authorised weights in international traffic (codification)
COM(2023)0319- Proposal for Council Decision on he conclusion of an agreement between the EU and China on the apportionment of WTO tariff-rate quotas following Brexit
COM(2023)0063 - Proposal for a Directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)