Annual accounts
Austria |
National legislation allows allow for simplified accounts in the case of small/medium-sized or micro enterprises. Some exemptions from the reporting obligations have been granted to SMEs or micro companies. More information (in German): here and here. |
Belgium... |
La législation nationale autorise les comptes simplifiés dans le cas des petites entreprises. Les Comptes Annuels |
National legislation allows for simplified accounts in the case of small enterprises. Annual Accounts |
....Belgium |
Voor kleine bedrijven volstaat op grond van de nationale wetgeving een vereenvoudigde jaarrekening. Hier |
Bulgaria |
В националното законодателство са предвидени опростени отчети за малките и средните предприятия и за микропредприятията. Тези предприятия са освободени от някои задължения за отчитане. |
National legislation allows for simplified accounts in the case of small/medium-sized or micro enterprises. Some exemptions from the reporting obligations have been granted to SMEs or micro companies. |
Croatia |
U nacionalnom zakonodavstvu dopušteni su pojednostavljeni financijski izvještaji za mala i srednja poduzeća. Malim i srednjim poduzećima odobrena su neka izuzeća od obveza izvješćivanja. |
National legislation allows simplified accounts in the case of small and medium-sized enterprises. Some exemptions from the reporting obligations have been granted to SMEs. |
Cyprus |
Η εθνική νομοθεσία επιτρέπει την υποβολή απλουστευμένων λογαριασμών στην περίπτωση μικρών/μεσαίων επιχειρήσεων. |
National legislation allows for simplified accounts in the case of small/medium-sized enterprises. |
Czech Republic |
Vnitrostátní právní úprava neumožňuje malým a středním podnikům, ani mikropodnikům sestavovat účetní závěrku vezjednodušeném rozsahu. |
National legislation doesn't allow for simplified accounts in the case of small/medium-sized or micro enterprises. |
Denmark |
National legislation allows / doesn't allow for simplified accounts in the case of small/medium-sized or micro enterprises. Some exemptions from the reporting obligations have been granted to SMEs or micro companies. |
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Estonia |
Siseriiklikud õigusaktid ei võimalda lihtsustatud raamatupidamist väikeste ja keskmise suurusega või mikroettevõtjate puhulValue |
National legislation doesn't allow for simplified accounts in the case of small/medium-sized or micro enterprises. |
Finland |
Pienyrityksille ja mikroyrityksille on myönnetty raportointivelvoitteiden osalta joitakin poikkeuksia. |
Some exemptions from the reporting obligations have been granted to small companies and micro companies. |
France |
La législation française permet une comptabilité simplifiée, et certaines exemptions dans l'obligation de déclaration, pour les petites et micro-entreprises. |
The French legislation allows for simplified accounts in the case of small or micro enterprises. Some exemptions from the reporting obligations have been granted to small or micro companies. |
Germany |
Das deutsche Recht erlaubt kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen oder Kleinstunternehmen vereinfachte Jahresabschlüsse. Für KMU und Kleinstunternehmen bestehen bestimmte Ausnahmen von den Finanzberichterstattungspflichten. |
National legislation allows for simplified accounts in the case of small/medium-sized or micro enterprises. Some exemptions from the reporting obligations have been granted to SMEs or micro companies. |
Greece |
Η εθνική νομοθεσία επιτρέπει / δεν επιτρέπει απλουστευμένους λογαριασμούς στην περίπτωση μικρών/μεσαίων ή πολύ μικρών επιχειρήσεων. Ορισμένες εξαιρέσεις από τις υποχρεώσεις υποβολής εκθέσεων έχουν χορηγηθεί σε ΜΜΕ ή πολύ μικρές επιχειρήσεις. |
National legislation allows / doesn't allow for simplified accounts in the case of small/medium-sized or micro enterprises. Some exemptions from the reporting obligations have been granted to SMEs or micro companies. |
Hungary |
National legislation allows / doesn't allow for simplified accounts in the case of small/medium-sized or micro enterprises. Some exemptions from the reporting obligations have been granted to SMEs or micro companies. |
Paragraph. Cliquer ici pour modifier. |
Iceland |
National legislation allows for simplified accounts in the case of small/medium-sized or micro enterprises. Some exemptions from the reporting obligations have been granted to SMEs or micro companies. |
Paragraph. Cliquer ici pour modifier. |
Ireland |
National legislation allows for simplified accounts in the case of small enterprises. Some exemptions from the reporting obligations have been granted to SMEs.' |
Paragraph. Cliquer ici pour modifier. |
Italy |
La normativa nazionale consente la contabilità semplificata nel caso delle piccole e medie imprese o delle microimprese. Le PMI o le microimprese beneficiano di alcune esenzioni dagli obblighi di segnalazione. |
National legislation allows for simplified accounts in the case of small/medium-sized or micro enterprises. Some exemptions from the reporting obligations have been granted to SMEs or micro companies. |
Latvia |
National legislation allows / doesn't allow for simplified accounts in the case of small/medium-sized or micro enterprises. Some exemptions from the reporting obligations have been granted to SMEs or micro companies. |
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Liechtenstein |
National legislation allows for simplified accounts in the case of small/medium-sized or micro enterprises. Some exemptions from the reporting obligations have been granted to SMEs or micro companies. |
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Lithuania |
Lietuvos bendrovės, kurios atitinka kriterijus, nustatytus Ūkio subjektų finansinių ataskaitų įstatyme, gali naudoti:
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Luxembourg |
La législation nationale prévoit une comptabilité simplifiée pour les petites, moyennes et micro-entreprises. |
National legislation allows for simplified accounts in the case of small/medium-sized or micro enterprises. |
Malta |
Il-leġiżlazzjoni nazzjonali tippermetti lil mikrointrapriżi jew intrapriżi ta' daqs żgħir/medju biex jippreparaw kontijiet simplifikati skont il-Prinċipji Ġenerali ta' Kontabilità għal Entitajiet Iżgħar ( GAPSE ), li huma ferm inqas preskrittivi mill-Istandards Internazzjonali ta' Rapportar Finanzjarju ( IFRS ). |
Netherlands |
De nationale wetgeving biedt geen ruimte voor een vereenvoudigde jaarrekening voor het midden- en kleinbedrijf of micro-ondernemingen. |
National legislation doesn't allow for simplified accounts in the case of small/medium-sized or micro enterprises. |
Norway |
Nasjonal lovgivning åpner for forenklet bokføring for mindre virksomheter. Små og mellomstore virksomheter kan ha fritak fra enkelte rapporteringsplikter. |
National legislation allows for simplified accounts in the case of small enterprises. Small and medium sized enterprises may be exempted from certain reporting obligations. |
Poland |
Ustawodawstwo krajowe zezwala na sporządzanie uproszczonych sprawozdań finansowych w przypadku małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw lub mikroprzedsiębiorstw. Niektóre zwolnienia z obowiązku sprawozdawczego zostały przyznane MŚP lub mikroprzedsiębiorstwom. |
National legislation allows for simplified accounts in the case of small/medium-sized or micro enterprises. Some exemptions from the reporting obligations have been granted to SMEs or micro companies. |
Portugal |
A legislação nacional autoriza as pequenas e médias empresas e as microempresas a manterem uma contabilidade simplificada. Para mais informações sobre as contas anuais, consulte a seguinte ligação. |
National legislation allows for simplified accounts in the case of small/medium-sized or micro enterprises. You can read more on annual accounts by accessing the following link ( Portuguese only). |
Romania |
Legislația națională permite contabilitatea simplificată pentru întreprinderile mici și mijlocii, precum și unele scutiri de la obligațiile de raportare. |
National legislation allows for simplified accounts in the case of small/medium-sized or micro enterprises. Some exemptions from the reporting obligations have been granted to SMEs or micro companies. |
Slovakia |
Vnútroštátne právne predpisy umožňujú malým a stredným podnikom alebo mikropodnikom viesť jednoduché účtovníctvo. |
National legislation allows for simplified accounts in the case of small/medium-sized or micro enterprises. |
Slovenia |
National legislation allows / doesn't allow for simplified accounts in the case of small/medium-sized or micro enterprises. Some exemptions from the reporting obligations have been granted to SMEs or micro companies. |
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Spain |
La legislación nacional permite la contabilidad simplificada en el caso de pequeñas/medianas empresas que cumplan una serie de requisitos.Para ello durante dos ejercicios consecutivos reúnan, a la fecha de cierre de cada uno de ellos, al menos dos de las siguientes circunstancias:
Spanish law allows simplified accounts to be reported by small or medium-sized enterprises that meet certain requirements. They must meet at least 2 of the following criteria on the closing date of 2 consecutive financial years:
Sweden |
Enligt svensk lag får mikroföretag och små och medelstora företag inte använda sig av förenklade årsbokslut. |
National legislation doesn't allow for simplified accounts in the case of small/medium-sized or micro enterprises. |
Switzerland |
National legislation allows / doesn't allow for simplified accounts in the case of small/medium-sized or micro enterprises. Some exemptions from the reporting obligations have been granted to SMEs or micro companies. |
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United Kingdom |
National legislation allows for simplified accounts in the case of small/medium-sized or micro enterprises. Some exemptions from the reporting obligations have been granted to SMEs or micro companies. |
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