Transition to General Management
Intensive course for Senior Functional Directors or new General Managers, who need to know very well the functioning of the EU Energy Policy with a strategic overview for their business, essential for the best present and future decisions.
The course delves into the details of EU action in the field of Energy. The notions provided allow you to know all the areas of EU intervention with the right insights and information on decision-making and executive mechanisms.
This course suitable for Managers who need to know how to plan their activities in a complex European context and that they must also know how to manage institutional relations with agility and competence with competence and authority.
European energy policy
Upcoming EU events on energy policy
The EU energy strategy
EU plans for energy efficiency
EU and Renewable Energy
EU and energy security in Europe
Single energy market and EU consumers
Energy infrastructure in Europe
The EU promotes energy research and innovation
EU funding in the energy sector
eEuropa Platform - "EU Energy Policy"
- The four moves of the EU for a common energy strategy
- Principles, aims, means of action and framework of European decision-making processes
- The European legislative, executive and control bodies in charge of Energy
- Key people at legislative level in the EU
Upcoming EU events on energy policy
- Legislative work
- Institutional Meetings and Conferences
- Recent EU energy measures to counter the effects of the COVID-19 recession, the war in Ukraine and other tensions on energy markets
- REPowerEU redesigns energy strategy
- Measures to guarantee energy imports
- Measures to counter the short and medium term energy crisis in Europe
The EU energy strategy
- The EU combines energy with climate: the end of the axiom "abundant energy equals economic growth"
- The last 7 years of the EU strategy:
- 2015 - A coherent energy strategy
- 2019 - Clean energy for all Europeans: the new goal for this century
- 2020 - Grean Europe Agreement (climate neutral EU)
- 2021 - REPowerEU: how to rethink energy independence
- 2021 - The EU will reduce gas consumption by 15% and EU solidarity
- National energy and climate plans
EU plans for energy efficiency
- Objectives, Legislation and Standards in force
- Energy efficient buildings
- Heat and electricity cogeneration
- Energy label and eco-design
- Heating and cooling of buildings
- How the EU finances energy efficiency
EU and Renewable Energy
- European Directives for Renewable Energy and National Progress Reports
- Configuration and reforms of renewable energy support schemes
- Offshore renewable energy: the EU strategy
- Energy from the Oceans and traditional hydroelectricity
- Wind: onshore and offshore
- Solar power
- Hydrogen
- Biofuels
- Biomass
- How the EU finances renewable energies
EU and energy security in Europe
- What is the "Energy Platform" of the EU
- Gas: guaranteeing the supply and diversification of sources; production and licensing
- LNG: guaranteeing supply, diversification of sources; production and licensing
- Electricity: security of supply
- Oil: guarantee supply, diversification of sources; production and licensing
- Coal
- Nuclear energy: safety, waste and spent fuels, radiation protection, dismantling of power plants, safeguards
- Energy and IT security
Single energy market and EU consumers
- European legislation for the single energy market: the latest rules and progress report
- Consumer rights: how they are protected
- Wholesale energy market: EU rules
- Energy prices in the EU: the tools available to the EU
- “Smart grids” and meters: a question of efficiency
- Clean energy for the peripheral areas of the EU: special measures
- Energy communities: do you know the possible collective actions of citizens?
- Energy taxation in Europe
Energy infrastructure in Europe
- Trans-European energy networks: energy corridors in Europe
- Digitization of energy networks
- Projects of common interest: authorization procedures and subsidized loans
- High-level groups: strategic and political orientations, monitoring of the progress of projects of common interest in the priority regions
- Public acceptance of infrastructure projects: how the public is involved
- The “Energy Infrastructures” Forum: an annual meeting
- Electricity Interconnection Goals: Find out about the latest projects
The EU promotes energy research and innovation
- Energy storage
- The Batteries
- Carbon capture, storage and use
- Digitization of the energy sector
- Creation of flexible markets
- Thermonuclear fusion energy and ITER
- Strategic plan for energy technologies
- Energy and smart cities
- Competitiveness in clean energy
- EU initiatives for smart energy systems
EU funding in the energy sector
- EU funding possibilities in the energy sector
- Public notices
- Financing decisions
- Funding for energy efficiency
- Funding for renewable energy
- Dialogue with investors on energy
- Funding for projects of common interest
eEuropa Platform - "EU Energy Policy"
- Presentation of the Platform
- Access
- Guide
- Monitor the legislative activity carried out by the EU Council, the European Parliament, the European Commission
- Receive the latest institutional news
- Monitor funds and tenders
- Monitor European events on EU Energy Policy
- Participate in Public Consultations