Energy label today
Energy labels show how the appliances you sell or manufacture rank on a scale from A to G according to its energy consumption. Class A (green) is the most energy efficient and Class G (red) the least. Currently - once most appliances of a given type reach Class A - up to 3 further classes can be added to the scale; A+, A++ and A+++. Due to improved energy efficiency in many products, more and more appliances are ranked within the A+, A++ and A+++ grades. This labelling was decided by the European Parliament in 2016. |
Energy label from 2021
What are the benefits?
Energy labels enable customers to choose products that consume less energy and thereby save money. Labels can also encourage companies to develop and invest in energy-efficient product design.
​Which products require labels?
You must display energy labels for all appliances you sell in the EU for which a label requirement (or regulation) exists. They must be clearly displayed on each appliance at the point of sale.
So, if you make or import household appliances be sure to check whether they comply with the relevant directive and related legislation.