Advisory and Consulting Services
. Client Needs Analysis
. EU Data Collection and Analysis
Strategic Information Solutions
Employmen, Social Policy an Inclusion
European employment strategy
COVID-19 crisis — recommendations on effective active support to employment
Youth Guarantee
InvestEU Programme (2021-2027)
Guidelines on employment policies
Flexicurity — a crucial element in modernising the EU’s labour market
European Fund for Strategic Investments
European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
EURES: Job search services across the EU
EU umbrella programme for employment and social policy: EaSI
EU countries’ employment policies: guidelines (2018)
Enhanced cooperation between public employment services
Employment Committee
Skills & vocational education and training
Cooperation in vocational education and training (VET)
Mutual learning programme
Job creation potential in the environmental sector
Modernising vocational education and training in Europe
Generating entrepreneurship in education and training
Europass — supporting learning and working in Europe
Ensuring quality in vocational education and training (VET)
Education systems — the key to a skilled workforce and more jobs
Health & safety at work
Health and safety at work: exposure to noise
Strategy for the rights of persons with disabilities
The EU’s Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA)
Preventing injuries to healthcare workers: EU social partners' agreement
Preventing and reducing chemically induced illnesses and injuries at work
Lifting COVID-19 containment measures — roadmap
Health and safety of workers: conditions applicable to the workplace
Health and safety at work — general rules
Workplaces & equipment
Equipment used in potentially explosive atmospheres (ATEX)
Work with display screen equipment
Use of personal protective equipment
Temporary and mobile work sites
Safety at work - manual handling of loads
Provision of health and safety signs at work
Medical treatment on board vessels
Minimum health and safety standards while using work equipment
Health and safety of workers in the extractive industries
Fishing vessels — health and safety of workers on board
Chemical, physical & biological agents
Dangers arising from ionising radiation (from 2018)
Setting basic safety standards for exposure to ionising radiation (from 2018)
Risk of explosive atmospheres
Protection of workers from exposure to biological agents
Limiting the exposure of workers to risks from electromagnetic fields (from July 2016)
Exposure to mechanical vibration
Exposure to chemical agents
Exposure to carcinogens and mutagens
Exposure to asbestos: worker protection
Exposure to artificial optical radiation
Labour law
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
Transparent and predictable working conditions in the EU
Proportionality test for new regulation of professions
Protection of specific categories of workers
Equal treatment of temporary agency workers
Workplace health and safety for temporary workers
Reintegrating the long-term unemployed into the labour market
Protection of young people at work
Part-time work
Protecting pregnant workers and new mothers
Making fishing at sea a safer profession
Making decent working conditions a reality for domestic workers
ILO Forced Labour Protocol: ratification by EU countries
Fixed-term work
Working conditions
Employee protection in the event of an insolvent employer
Stepping up the enforcement of EU legislation on the posting of workers
Organisation of working time
Protecting employment rights when business ownership is transferred
Informing employees of their working conditions
Working time rules
Cross-border train crews — working conditions
Working hours on board ships using EU ports
Workers’ health and safety in the mineral-extracting industries
Seafarers’ working time
Work-life balance for parents and carers
Road transport: EU rules on the organisation of the working time of professional drivers
Inland waterway transport – jobs and skills
Driving time and rest periods in the road transport sector
Protection against discrimination
Strategy for the rights of persons with disabilities
Equality between women and men
Advisory Committee on Equal Opportunities for Men and Women
Social security — equal treatment for men and women
Self-employment — equal treatment between men and women
Work-life balance for parents and carers
Principle of equal treatment of men and women outside the employment market
Parental leave
Protecting pregnant workers and new mothers
Gender equality in the labour market
European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)
EU accession to Istanbul Convention
Equal treatment in employment and occupation
Work-life balance
Protecting pregnant workers and new mothers
Work-life balance for parents and carers
Parental leave
Other forms of discrimination at work
Accessibility of products and services
Roma equality, inclusion and participation
Protection at international level of the rights and freedoms of persons with disabilities
National Roma integration strategies: common European framework
Equal treatment irrespective of racial or ethnic origin
Directive implementing the Marrakesh Treaty in the EU
Accessibility of public sector websites and mobile apps
Protection against discrimination
Equal treatment for women & men
Advisory Committee on Equal Opportunities for Men and Women
Work-life balance for parents and carers
Equal treatment in employment and occupation
EU accession to Istanbul Convention
European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)
Gender equality in the labour market
Principle of equal treatment of men and women outside the employment market
Protecting pregnant workers and new mothers
Parental leave
Social security — equal treatment for men and women
Self-employment — equal treatment between men and women
Work-life balance
Parental leave
Work-life balance for parents and carers
Protecting pregnant workers and new mother
Other forms of discrimination at work
Accessibility of products and services
Directive implementing the Marrakesh Treaty in the EU
Equal treatment irrespective of racial or ethnic origin
Roma equality, inclusion and participation
National Roma integration strategies: common European framework
Protection at international level of the rights and freedoms of persons with disabilities
Accessibility of public sector websites and mobile apps
Social inclusion & social protection
Strategy for the rights of persons with disabilities
Social investment — Fight against poverty
COVID-19 crisis — recommendations on effective active support to employment
Sport — a spur to innovation and excellence
Social security system — Cooperation between EU countries
Towards more socially inclusive growth in the EU
Monitoring the effectiveness of EU countries’ social protection policies
Investing in children: breaking the cycle of disadvantage
Guidelines on employment policies
Innovation and social inclusion through culture and creativity
EU strategy on the rights of the child and the European child guarantee
EU fight against poverty and social exclusion
Coordination of social security systems
Pensions & health care
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA)
Supplementary pensions - keeping your rights when moving abroad
The EU’s healthcare workforce
Safeguarding supplementary pension rights
Pan-European Personal Pension Product (PEPP)
Managing collective retirement schemes — occupational pension funds
Healthcare in other EU countries — patients’ rights
Insurance and occupational pensions: advisory committee
Social dialogue & employee participation
Social dialogue
European Cooperative Society
Sectoral social dialogue
Work-life balance for parents and carers
Guidelines on employment policies
European social dialogue
Employee participation
Collective redundancies: staff information and consultation
Statute for a European Company
Informing and consulting employees — European Works Councils
EU general rules on employee information and consultation
Moving & working in the EU
Driving European recovery
Supplementary pensions - keeping your rights when moving abroad
Stepping up the enforcement of EU legislation on the posting of workers
Free movement of workers
European Labour Authority
European health insurance card
EURES: Job search services across the EU
Advisory Committee on Equal Opportunities for Men and Women
The EU’s Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA)
European Training Foundation (ETF)
European Labour Authority
European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)
European Foundation for Living and Working Conditions
European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop)
Advisory Committee on Safety and Health at Work (ACSH)
An investment plan for Europe
Thematic objectives for the ESI Funds
Temporary support to mitigate unemployment risks in an emergency due to the COVID-19 outbreak (SURE)
REACT-EU — Recovery assistance for cohesion and the territories of Europe
InvestEU Programme (2021-2027)
Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD)
European Social Fund Plus — ESF+ (2021-2027)
European Social Fund
European Globalisation Adjustment Fund for Displaced Workers (2021-2027)
European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (2014-2020)
European Fund for Strategic Investments
EU umbrella programme for employment and social policy: EaSI
EU Recovery and Resilience Facility
European statistics
Common rules for the collection of census data on population and housing
Statistics related to vocational training
Statistics on public health/health & safety at work
Statistics on earnings and labour costs
Quarterly statistics on job vacancies in EU countries
European statistics on persons and households
European system of integrated social protection statistics (ESSPROS)
Demography statistics
Comparable EU-wide labour cost statistics
Advisory and Consulting Services
. Client Needs Analysis
. EU Data Collection and Analysis
Strategic Information Solutions