Advisory and Consulting Services
. Client Needs Analysis
. EU Data Collection and Analysis
Strategic Information Solutions
EU Digital Policy
Digital single market – general rules
2030 digital decade policy programme
ICT-related recommendations to help the EU turn into a more energy-efficient, low-carbon economy
Free flow of non-personal data in the European Union
Radio Spectrum Policy Group
The EU’s ideas on how to move to a successful data-driven economy
European cybersecurity network and competence centre
Enjoying online content without borders
Digital Services Act – supervisory fees on providers of very large online platforms and search engines
Digital Services Act
Digital Markets Act
Digital Europe programme (2021–2027)
Contracts for the supply of digital content and digital services
Data protection in the electronic communications sector
Accelerating the digital transformation of governments in the EU — 2016-2020 action plan
Regulatory framework
Cybersecurity of network and information systems (2022)
European Electronic Communications Code
European data governance
E-commerce - standard EU rules
Online intermediation services — fairness and transparency for business users
Single market transparency directive
The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC)
Regulating the radio spectrum
Safe use of mobile phones on aircraft
Competition rules
Boosting competition and encouraging investment in next-generation access electronic communications networks
Fair market conditions for telephone handsets and other communication equipment
Competition in the markets for electronic communications networks and services
Electronic communication networks
2030 digital decade policy programme
Making critical entities more resilient
The EU Cybersecurity Act
Convention on international interests in mobile equipment
Internet networks
Attacks against information systems
Europe’s role in shaping the future of Internet governance
Online gambling: protecting consumers, players and children
Protecting electronic pay services against piracy
More secure transactions on the Internet
The .eu top-level domain
Cybersecurity of network and information systems (2022)
Actions to reduce the costs of deployment of high-speed electronic communications networks
Mobile networks
Roaming charges within the European Union
Open internet access and intra-EU communications
Frequency bands for electronic communication
Radio networks
Selection and authorisation of mobile satellite services (MSS)
New rules for the commercialisation of radio equipment
Short range devices, RLAN (WiFi), Internet of Things, ultra-wide band (UWB) equipment and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
Radio Spectrum Policy Programme
EU data economy & data protection
Open data and the reuse of public-sector information
European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking
European data governance
Personal data & privacy rules
Balancing public security with data protection
EU–New Zealand agreement on the exchange of personal data
EU-US personal data exchanges
EU-US agreement on personal data protection
EU-US agreement on airline passenger name record data
Protecting personal data that is used by police and criminal justice authorities (from 2018)
General data protection regulation (GDPR)
Use of passenger records to prevent terrorism and serious crime
Restrictions of data subjects’ rights — Commission’s internal rules
Right to be forgotten on the Internet
EU copyright & audiovisual rules
Copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market
The Marrakesh Treaty
Regulation implementing the Marrakesh Treaty in the EU
Directive implementing the Marrakesh Treaty in the EU
Copyright and related rights
Copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market
EU rules on protecting trade secrets
Ensuring technology transfer agreements respect competition rules
Legal protection: databases
Resale right for the benefit of the author of an original work of art
Rental, lending and certain other rights related to copyright in the field of intellectual property
Computer programs — legal protection
Copyright — broadcasters’ online transmissions and retransmissions of television and radio programmes
Copyright and related rights: term of protection
Copyright and related rights: satellite broadcasting and cable retransmission
Copyright and related rights in the information society
EU audiovisual rules
Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD)
Enjoying online content without borders
Improving the online licensing of music across the EU
Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances
Advisory and Consulting Services
. Client Needs Analysis
. EU Data Collection and Analysis
Strategic Information Solutions