Advisory and Consulting Services
. Client Needs Analysis
. EU Data Collection and Analysis
Strategic Information Solutions
Last update: 3 May 2021
Competitive industrial policy
An investment plan for Europe
Thematic objectives for the ESI Funds
The single digital gateway
Finance for innovation and enterprise (European Investment Fund)
Implementing the small and medium-sized enterprises initiative
European Fund for Strategic Investments
Consultation - extending EU geographical indication protection to non-agricultural products
Industry sectors
Accreditation and market surveillance
Workers’ health and safety in the mineral-extracting industries
Uniform conditions for the marketing of safe products in the EU (conformity marking)
Support for research-performing SMEs (Eurostars-2)
Unfair commercial practices
Towards a more competitive and efficient EU defence and security sector
Textile products: textile fibre names and labelling
Safety of simple pressure vessels in the EU
Safety of pressure vessel equipment and material
Safer cosmetics for EU citizens
Safe air navigation: Contributing to a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
Product safety: general rules
Packaging and packaging waste
Package travel – consumer rights (from 2018)
Reducing interference between electrical and electronic devices
Noise emission by equipment used outdoors
New rules for the commercialisation of radio equipment
Management of waste from extractive industries
Machinery safety
Health and safety of workers in the extractive industries
Galileo — access to the public regulated service
In vitro diagnostic medical devices
Industrial emissions
Footwear labelling
European metrology programme for innovation and research (EMPIR)
European Defence Action Plan
European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) – how the European Union regulates chemicals
EU space programme (2021–2027) – European Union Agency for the Space Programme
EU cross-border parcel delivery services
Equipment used in potentially explosive atmospheres (ATEX)
Ensuring lift safety
Ensuring the safety and performance of medical devices
Ensuring safe personal protective equipment for users
Ensuring the safety and performance of in vitro diagnostic medical devices
Ensuring the safety of toys in the European Union
End-of-life vehicles
Electrical safety: low-voltage electrical equipment
E-commerce - standard EU rules
Defence-related products: rules on transfer within the EU
Corporate social responsibility in the EU
Controls on weapons purchases and possession
Construction products
Competitive European metals industries
Combating illegal logging
Civil aviation rules and the EASA
Ceramic objects in contact with foodstuffs
Cableway installations for passengers
Boosting international tourism in Europe
Anti-dumping protection — shipbuilding industry
Appliances burning gaseous fuels (from 2018)
Animal by-products not intended for human consumption
Environmental responsibility
Assessing environmentally sustainable investments
Uniform conditions for the marketing of safe products in the EU (conformity marking)
SET-Plan for the development of low-carbon technologies
The new EU accreditation and verification regulation
Safe and effective fertilisers on the EU market
Restriction on the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment
Kyiv Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers
Energy consumption: Framework for labelling rules
Eco-design for energy-using appliances
Better environmental performance: European eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS)
Intellectual property
Accession to the World Intellectual Property Organisation treaties
WTO: agreement on trade-related aspects of intellectual property
Unified Patent Court Agreement
Legal protection: Topographies of semiconductor products
Intellectual property rights — customs enforcement
Intellectual property rights infringements
Fighting violations of EU intellectual property rights in non-EU countries
EU rules on protecting trade secrets
Ensuring technology transfer agreements respect competition rules
Enforcement of intellectual property rights
Copyright and related rights
Computer programs — legal protection
Resale right for the benefit of the author of an original work of art
Rental, lending and certain other rights related to copyright in the field of intellectual property
Legal protection: databases
EU rules on protecting trade secrets
Copyright — broadcasters’ online transmissions and retransmissions of television and radio programmes
Copyright and related rights: term of protection
Copyright and related rights: satellite broadcasting and cable retransmission
Copyright and related rights in the information society
Copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market
Inventions, trade marks & designs
Biotechnological inventions: legal protection
Community design
EU unitary patents – translation arrangements
EU trade mark law (national registrations)
European Union trade mark
Harmonised national laws on the protection of designs
Wider access to copyright material — orphan works
Single EU patent boosts intellectual property protection and cuts related costs - EUR-Lex
Supplementary protection certificates for medicines and plant protection products
Entrepreneurship & small businesses
A new EU approach to handling business failure and insolvency
Single Market Programme
Transfer of businesses
The SME Envoy
Promoting youth entrepreneurship to foster social inclusion of young people
Micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises: definition and scope
InvestEU Programme (2021-2027)
Implementing the small and medium-sized enterprises initiative
European standardisation
European social entrepreneurship funds
EU programmes — agencies
Combating late payment in business dealings
A small business act for European SMEs
A simplified business environment
European statistics
European business statistics
Tourism statistics
Advisory and Consulting Services
. Client Needs Analysis
. EU Data Collection and Analysis
Strategic Information Solutions