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eEU Inside Subscription Plan
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A. Exporting from the EU
Common EU rules for exports
Export credit insurance
Dual-use export controls
Exports — Specific rules
Applying OECD guidelines in the field of officially supported export credits
Trade arrangements for processed agricultural products
Export of cultural goods
EU ban on trade in instruments of torture
Dual-use export controls (until 8 September 2021)
B. Importing into the EU
Common EU rules for imports
Allocation of EU import and export quotas and licences
Common rules for imports from certain non-EU countries
Imports — Specific rules
Trade arrangements for processed agricultural products
Responsible trade in minerals from high-risk or conflict areas
Rules for trade across the Green Line in Cyprus
Imports of textile products from non-EU countries
Importing cultural goods
Trade in seal products
Trade in rough diamonds: implementing the Kimberley Process
C. Trade defence
Anti-dumping measures
Combining various types of trade defence measures
Protection of the interests of the EU and its Member States from economic coercion by non-EU countries
Safeguarding competition in air transport
Rules for trade across the Green Line in Cyprus
EU rights to apply and enforce international trade rules
Anti-subsidy measures
D. Common trade policy
The EU’s International Procurement Instrument – IPI
Disputes between foreign investors and EU governments
Effects of foreign legislation on the EU’s financial interests
Bilateral investment agreements — EU and non-EU countries
Union Customs Code
EU external action
International trade rules: how the EU can exercise its rights
A paperless environment for customs and trade
Agreements – Trade
Interim Economic Partnership Agreement between the EU and Eastern and Southern Africa States
International agreement on olive oil and table olives
Economic and trade agreement between Canada and the European Union
EU and the WTO
Adapting EU trade defence measures following a WTO ruling
WTO: agreement on trade-related aspects of intellectual property
WTO: agreement on trade in services
WTO: agreement on trade in goods
WTO: agreement on intellectual property rights relating to trade and pharmaceutical patents
WTO agreement
EU rights to apply and enforce international trade rules
Countries and regions
Trade, Development and Cooperation Agreement (TDCA) with South Africa
Economic Partnership Agreement between the EU and the Southern African Development Community countries
Economic Partnership Agreement between the EU and the CARIFORUM states
Economic partnership agreement between the EU and Japan
Economic and trade agreement between Canada and the European Union
Cotonou Agreement
Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Albania
Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Serbia
Stabilisation and Association Agreement with North Macedonia
Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Montenegro
Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Kosovo
Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Bosnia and Herzegovina
EU relations with China
EU–New Zealand Free Trade Agreement
EU-Malaysia Framework Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation
EU-Japan Strategic Partnership Agreement
EU–Indonesia Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Partnership and Cooperation
EU—Vietnam Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Partnership and Cooperation
EU-UK Trade and Cooperation agreement
EU trade agreement with Colombia, Peru and Ecuador
EU–Thailand Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Partnership and Cooperation
EU-Switzerland trade agreement
EU cooperation with the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries: 11th European Development Fund
EU-Côte d'Ivoire Economic Partnership Agreement
EU–South Korea free trade agreement
EU–Russia partnership and cooperation agreement
EU and Iceland: clarification of certain rules relating to trade (safeguard measures)
Political dialogue and cooperation agreement with Cuba
Partnership and Cooperation Agreements (PCAs): Russia, the Southern Caucasus and Central Asia
Partnership Agreement with Armenia
Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the Philippines
Partnership Agreement between the European Union and Mongolia
Pan-Euro-Mediterranean preferential rules of origin
Investment Protection Agreement between the EU and Singapore
Interim Economic Partnership Agreement between the EU and the Central Africa Party
Interim Economic Partnership Agreement between the EU and Eastern and Southern Africa States
Association agreement with Ukraine
Association agreement with Moldova
Agreements with Canada on customs matters
Agreement with Bangladesh on partnership and development
Agreement on the European Economic Area
Agreement between the European Community and the Pacific States
Agreement between the EU and Denmark and the Faroe Islands
ACP countries — economic partnership agreements and export arrangements
Ghana-EU economic partnership agreement
Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and Vietnam
Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and Singapore
E. Development and sustainability
EU aid to non-euro area countries with trade deficit problems
The International Coffee Agreement 2007
Preferential European Union import tariffs for developing countries
Fair trade — trade-related sustainability assurance schemes
EU trade policy towards developing countries, including Aid for Trade
F. European trade statistics
EU statistics — balance of payments, trade in services and foreign direct investment
Advisory and Consulting Services
Strategic Information Solutions
. EU Data Collection and Analysis
. Client Needs Analysis
eEU Inside Subscription Plan
eEU Inside T1 PRO
Thank you eEUView PREMIUM