Independent Expert Panel on effective ways of investing in health publishes opinion on the impact of the post-COVID-19 condition (long COVID) on health systems
The European Commission has set up a Group of independent experts to investigate effective ways of investing in health. It has an interdisciplinary nature and provides non-binding advice on issues related to the organization of efficient and resilient public health. The Expert Group helps the Commission to formulate guidelines for defining European objectives, supporting national policy making and promoting European cooperation.
Members (2019-2022)
Prof. Jan De Maeseneer was elected as the Chair of the Panel and Dr Anna Garcia-Altes as the Vice-Chair. Alphabetical list of the members appointed in December 2019 by the Director-General for Health and Food Safety of the European Commission:
Dr Natasha AZZOPARDI MUSCAT (resigned as a Panel member following her appointment as a Director, Division of Country Health Policies and Systems at WHO EURO) Bio
Dr Dorothea STAHL (resigned as a Panel member following her appointment as a Director for Academic Medicine, Klinikum Bielefeld, University of Bielefeld, Germany) Bio
The members of the Expert Panel can be contacted through the Secretariat
Opinions - The core element of the Expert Panel’s mission is to provide the Commission with sound and independent advice in the form of opinions in response to… Meetings - The Expert Panel members meet regularly in the plenary meetings and in meetings of the drafting groups, which are set up for the purpose of drafting… Members - The members of the Expert Panel can be contacted through the Secretariat.Declarations of interest are available at the Register of the Commission… Contact - Targeted inquiries and comments on the work of the Expert Panel can be submitted to Secretariat of the Expert Panel.
The opinions of the Expert Panel present the views of the independent scientists who are members of the Expert Panel. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission. Opinions are used by DG SANTE to support policy cooperation, to inform policy making at national level, to foster EU level cooperation to improve information, expertise and the exchange of best practices.
List of opinions since the Expert Panel started its activities in 2013
Mandates requesting an opinion are submitted by the Commission and consist of background/rationale, the specific questions to the Panel and timing for finalising the opinion.
The Expert Panel members meet regularly in the plenary meetings and in meetings of the drafting groups, which are set up for the purpose of drafting specific opinions. Public hearings are organised before the opinion is finalised to provide stakeholders with an opportunity to share their views on the draft opinion. To promote the work of the Panel and to raise public awareness on evidence-based policy-making on country-specific and cross-country knowledge in the field of health the conferences/workshops might be organised.
Plenary meetings The Expert Panel members meet regularly in the plenary meetings organised 4-5 times a year.
Drafting/working groupsAfter the Expert Panel receives a mandate from the Commission to draft an opinion, it sets up a drafting/working group, composed of members of the Panel with requested expertise. In case additional, specific expertise/support is needed, external expert(s) might be involved in the work of the group.
Public hearings Commission, in line with the principles of transparency and openness in engagement with stakeholders, organises public hearings to give interested parties an opportunity to share their views and provide specific comments on the draft opinion before it is finalised to ensure the highest quality of the opinions adopted by the Panel.
Conferences/workshops To promote the work of the Panel and to raise public awareness on evidence-based policy-making on country-specific and cross-country knowledge in the field of health the conferences/workshops might be organised.