EU Advanced Management
EU Advanced Management
For C-Levels or General Managers who, in addition to seeing the EU policies illustrated and the latest decisions explained,
need or have interest in knowing the political and institutional aspects in relation to EU Food Policy.
need or have interest in knowing the political and institutional aspects in relation to EU Food Policy.
This course examines more in depth the political and strategic aspects of the EU action on Public Health, allowing to know the decision-making mechanisms and the political dynamics of the legislative and executive bodies. It also offers a broad overview of everything you need to know what Europe has done and is preparing to do in the field of Public Health.
This course is suitable for Top Level Managers, but it is also well suited to the needs of Managers who must be able to manage institutional relations with agility and competence.
The European Food Policy
Forthcoming EU events on Food Policy
Recent EU measures on Food to counter the effects of the Climate change, War in Ukraine and tensions on energy markets
Food safety
Animal health
Plant health
eEuropa Platform - "European Agriculture and Food Security"
- Principles, purposes, means of action and outline of European decision-making processes
- The European legislative, executive and control bodies in charge
- Key people at EU legislative level
Forthcoming EU events on Food Policy
- Legislative work
- Institutional Meetings and Conferences
Recent EU measures on Food to counter the effects of the Climate change, War in Ukraine and tensions on energy markets
- Support to farmers and SMEs particularly affected by the war in Ukraine
- Derogation from certain agricultural policy rules on cereals
Food safety
- General rules
- The Farm to Fork Plan
- Food safety organizations: EFSA (European Food Safety Authority)
- Labelling and nutrition: legislation in force for different products, supplements, Natural mineral waters, Food for specific groups, Nutrition and health claims
- Agents for food improvement
- New types of food products
- Biological Safety: Antimicrobial Resistance, Food Hygiene, Food Irradiation, Crisis Preparation and Management
- Chemical safety: General rules, Contaminants, Materials in contact with food, Hormones in meat
- Pet food: Food safety, Hygiene, Additives, Medicated feed, Undesirable substances, Genetically modified feed
- Food waste
- Agri-food fraud
- RASFF - The European Rapid Alert System
Animal health
- EU rules for animal health
- Production of medicated feed
- Diseases: African horse fever, African swine fever, Foot and mouth disease, Avian flu, Blue tongue, Swine fever and other diseases
- Animal welfare: EU strategy for the protection and welfare of animals 2012-15, Livestock farming, Transport, Slaughter, Protecting animals at the time of killing, Other animal welfare issues
- Trade and Import: Live Animals, Animal Products
- Commercial controls
- Identification of animals: Livestock, Horses and donkeys, Pigs, Sheep and goats, Veterinary border control, Sperm, ova and embryos
Plant health
- Parasites
- Rules of the agri-food chain
- GMOs
- Pesticides
- Biosecurity
eEuropa Platform - "European Agriculture and Food Security"
- Presentation of the Platform
- Monitor the legislative activity carried out by the EU Council, the European Parliament, the European Commission
- Receive the latest institutional news
- Monitor European events on EU Food policy