Framework & Energy Price
Wholesale prices are highly sensitive to available production and transmission capabilities because energy must be produced when needed and cannot be stored on an industrial scale. Prices may also be influenced by false information on the availability of these capabilities, or by reducing the production. Since plenty of energy is also traded across borders, it has traditionally been difficult to detect this kind of price manipulation as national regulators have not had access to cross-border data. In response, the EU adopted Regulation (EU) 2019/943 and Regulation 1227/2011/EU to detect market abuse and level penalties. These regulations prohibit the use of inside information when buying or selling on wholesale energy markets. They also prohibit manipulative transactions and the spreading of incorrect information that give false or misleading signals about supply, demand, or prices. EU rules oblige energy traders to report their transaction data to the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), such as:
ACER is responsible for the independent monitoring of all wholesale energy trades. If market abuse is suspected, ACER will request that national regulators investigate. It will also coordinate cross-border investigations |