The intention of this page is to help you understand the registration procedures with REACH. The information corresponds to that provided by ECHA. This page does not replace the official ones of ECHA.
Substance identification is a process by which the identity of your substance is established.
Accurate identification of a substance is a prerequisite to most REACH, CLP and biocides processes. In particular, it enables you to joint REACH registrations, to prepare efficiently and correctly the registration and ensures that test data is appropriate for the substance registered under REACH. This leads to a robust hazard and risk assessment of the registered substance.
The correct identification of a substance will also enable:
The sharing of information to prevent unnecessary animal testing and costs;
The use of test data across companies and read-across within a group of substances;
The assessment of whether a substance is included in the Authorisation List, the list of restrictions or has a harmonised classification and labelling.
Typically the identity of a substance can be described by:
a chemical name, for example, benzene;
a number, for example, EC number 200-753-7, and
a chemical composition, for example, >99 % benzene and <1% toluene. The composition is determined by chemical analysis.