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Outline show/hide EU RESPONSE TO COVID-19Research & Innovation Projects ACCELERATE (EU)This H2020 project has allowed CERIC, the Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium, to launch a call for fast track access to Covid-19 related research. • Project details• ACCELERATE website• Call for applicationsInfoApplicants will be able to access selected instruments without the regular evaluation procedure. ACCELERATE is supported by a €3.3 million EU grant. BioExcelPotential medical compounds. • Project details• BioExcel websiteIn shortThe applications of HPC Centre of Excellence for Computational Biomolecular Research can be used for on-demand, large-scale virtual screening of potential medical compounds such as small molecule drugs, antibodies etc. The applicability depends on the specific case of pandemic cause. Since 2015 BioExcel has received a total of €12.8 million in EU grants. EOSC-Life (EU)This initiative brings together 13 biological and medical pan-European research infrastructures that facilitate the sharing of raw data and research outputs. • Project details• EOSC-Life website• Press release Elixir• Press release EOSCIn shortEOSC-Life is making available to researchers analysis pipelines and computational power to analyse or re-perform analyses related to COVID-19. EOSC-Life is supported by a €23.75 million EU grant. EVA - European Virus Archive (EU)The European Virus Archive (EVA-Global) is a virtual collection for human, animal and plant viruses, that provides researchers with the necessary material for diagnosing coronavirus infection. This initiative is built on long-standing investments by the EU through three consecutive grants since 2009 and until 2023 for a total of €32.2 million. • EVA-GLOBAL - Project details• EVAg - Project details• EVA - Project details• Story: The European Virus Archive Global• Story: Collecting the world's viruses, empowering urgent research• Video: Biomedical Research Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, SlovakiaINFOEU mobilised research infrastructures, as they are facilities that provide resources and services for research communities to conduct research and foster innovation. Many are relevant to tackling the current coronavirus outbreak. The EXSCALATE platform (IT)Stemming from the Antarex project, EXCALATE is operational at the Italian Supercomputer in CINECA, analysing COVID-19 proteins. • Project details• EXSCALATE website• Story: Using European supercomputing to treat the coronavirusInfoThe proteins are based on data available from the scientific community in order to accelerate the search of an effective therapy against the pandemic virus. Antarex was supported by a €3.1 million EU grant. Exscalate4CoV (EU)Collaboration to screen potential drugs. • Story: Repurposing drugs and networks can help find outbreak treatments against the clock• Video: A European supercomputer is searching to find potential coronavirus treatmentsInfoE4C invites organisations to submit proposals for screening of their compounds for efficacy profiling on the E4C Biology platforms, notably through EXaSCale smArt pLatform Against paThogEns, the first computational platform dedicated to addressing the need to promptly respond to a pandemic crisis. Full criteria and conditions are defined in the “Drug-Box” submission portal on the E4C website. EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (EU)The access policy of this joint undertaking foresees prioritised and immediate access to its supercomputers for emergencies - as is the case in pandemic crises. • EuroHPC website• Joint undertaking detailsTRANSVAC2European vaccine research and development infrastructure. • Project details• TRANSVAC2 website• Call for applicationsInfoIs offering researchers the opportunity to apply for its wide range of technical vaccine development services at no cost. Researchers developing vaccine candidates against COVID19 are encouraged to apply. TRANSVAC2 started in May 2017 with a €10.6 million EU grant. Go to the online AppSource: European Union,, 1998-2020 |