The European Commission addresses infringement cases related to financial regulation and the free movement of capital. These cases arise when an EU country fails to properly incorporate or apply EU laws within the specified deadlines.
Infringement Procedure
The Commission ensures that EU laws are correctly applied across all member states. The procedure includes:
Non-compliance: If a country does not fully incorporate a directive into its national law by the deadline or does not apply EU law correctly.
Initial Resolution: The Commission first collaborates with the country to resolve the issue.
Formal Proceedings: If the issue remains unresolved, the Commission may initiate formal infringement proceedings.
Learn more about the infringement procedure and how to lodge a complaint against an EU country for breaching EU law.
Infringements of Banking and Finance Law
A comprehensive database of infringement cases is available, detailing decisions on the incomplete or incorrect implementation of:
Financial Services Regulation
Rules about Free Movement of Capital
These infringement decisions fall under the responsibility of the Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services, and Capital Markets Union (DG FISMA). Access the database of infringement cases for more detailed information.