1. Why you need to submit an inquiry? Before registering your substance, you have to check EU Agency ECHA if your identified substance is already registered or another request is already submitted. ECHA will inform you and will put you into contact with eventual other applicants.
2. What to do to submit an inquiry?
To submit an inquiry, potential registrants need to prepare an electronic inquiry dossier, by:
submitting your dossier to ECHA via REACH-IT system
3. What to do after the submitting of an inquiry?
Potential registrants need to wait for the result of the inquiry before submitting the registration or starting any tests on vertebrate animals. ECHA checks the substance identity to identify companies who have previously registered or inquired about the same substance and brings them in contact with each other to share data and to submit a joint registration. ECHA also provides the inquiring company with a list of (robust) study summaries available to ECHA. NOTE: The information submitted for the purposes of inquiry will not be published.