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Media Literacy
Media literacy allows us to interact with the media and to be active citizens. The European Commission supports the exchange of best practices on media literacy and fosters networking among stakeholders.Media literacy refers to all the technical, cognitive, social, civic and creative capacities that allow us to access and have a critical understanding of and interact with media. These capacities allow us to exercise critical thinking, while participating in the economic, social and cultural aspects of society and playing an active role in the democratic process.
This concept covers different media: broadcasting, radio, press, through various channels: traditional, internet, social media and addresses the needs of all ages.
The European Commission has published a call for proposals for a Pilot Project on "Media literacy for all" on 30 August 2016.
Expert GroupThe European Commission brings together stakeholders in media literacy in an Expert Group on Media Literacy which meets annually to:
- identify, document and extend good practices in the field of media literacy;
- facilitate networking between different stakeholders, with the aim of cross-fertilisation;
- explore synergies between different EU policies and support programmes and media literacy initiatives.
Find out more on the meetings of the Expert Group on Media Literacy.
Read more about other European Commission activities on media literacy.