Brussels, |
Mindmap of Banking and Financial Services Platform
Outline show/hide
EU Legislative Activity
EU Legislation
EU Parliament Activity
Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee
- Composition & Contacts
- Meeting Documents
- Debates in Streaming
- Work in Progress
- Latest News & Info
- Results of Roll Call Votes
EU Council Activity
Economic and Financial Affairs Council
- Ministerial Meetings
- Latest Documents
- Meetings in Streaming
- Latest News
Regulation and Supervision
Regulatory process in financial services
Capital movements
European system of financial supervision
Expert groups, comitology and other committees
Financial services legislation
- MindMapping of the EU Legislation
- Implementing and delegated acts
- Enforcement and infringements of banking and finance law
Capital Markets & Capital Markets Union
Capital markets union
. What is the capital markets union?
. Capital markets union 2020 action plan
. Legislative measures taken so far to build a CMU
Company reporting and auditing
. Company reporting
. Auditing of companies' financial statements
Financial markets
Securities markets
- Investment services and regulated markets
- Short selling
- Securitisation
- Securities prospectus
- Markets integrity
- Investor compensation schemes
- Transparency requirements for listed companies
- SME listing on public markets
Investment funds
Post-trade services
- Financial markets infrastructure policy
- Derivatives / EMIR
- Recovery and resolution of central counterparties (CCPs)
- Securities financing transactions (SFTs)
- Central securities depositories (CSDs)
- Settlement finality
- Financial collateral arrangements
- Securities and claims ownership
Corporate bonds
Regulating credit rating agencies
Prudential rules for investment firms
Macroprudential policy
Banking & Banking union
Banking union
- EU Strategy
- Single supervisory mechanism
- Single resolution mechanism
- European deposit insurance scheme
- Sovereign bond-backed securities (SBBS)
Banking regulation
Non-performing loans (NPLs)
Supplementary supervision of financial conglomerates
Financial Crime
Overview on Anti-Money Laundering Anti-Money Laundering at EU Level]63
Anti-Money Laundering at International Level
Anti-Money Laundering Authority (and Financial Terrorism)
Insurance and pension Funds
Pension funds
Sustainable finance
EU and the sustainable finance
Tools of Sustainable Finance
International Platform on Sustainable Finance
Corporate reporting, EU labels and other diclosures
Digital finance
Financial data access
Digital Euro
Cyber resilience
Consumer finance and payments
Retail financial services
- Consumer Credit
- Consumer financial services policy
- Access to bank accounts
- Distance marketing of financial services
- Information to provide to investors
- Involvement of consumers
- Financial dispute resolution network: FIN-NET