The Network Code Implementation and Monitoring Group (NCIMG) is a forum for high-level strategic coordination of network code implementation and implementation monitoring.
Group members:
the European Commission
the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER)
the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E)
the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG).
The NC - IMG oversees the implementation and monitoring of the implementation of the grid codes for electricity and gas and ensures compliance with the objectives and general guidelines. Proper implementation will largely lead to the harmonization of technical, operational and market rules governing the EU's electricity and gas networks, a significant step towards achieving an integrated EU internal market.
The coordination of the implementation of the network codes is carried out between the specific parts of the sector and across different platforms.
For electricity, coordination groups have been established on a voluntary basis in which ACER and national regulatory authorities (NRAs), together with ENTSO and European Transmission System Operators (ETSOs) or designated market operators (NEMO), plan and exchange views on the development of broad tasks, as well as the status of approval.
In addition, European Stakeholder Committees (ECS) for power grid codes and guidelines allow stakeholders to express their views on the progress of implementation. For gas, the ACER and ENTSOG Joint Functionality Platform (the "Gas Network Codes Functionality Platform" - FUNC) is the primary forum for establishing processes, organizing stakeholder workshops and discussing implementation issues. From the first meeting of the NC-IMG it usually meets twice a year (the first on 13 June 2017).
The tasks and working methods of the group were discussed during the first two meetings and have since been summarized in the NC IMG reference document.