Consult the database to identify which products have the best cost-efficiency ratio for a specific need. Information on other aspects than a product’s energy use, such as its possible water consumption, noise emission, extension of the warranty, availability of spare parts, duration or product support, is also provided.
Since January 1, 2019, suppliers (manufacturers, importers, or authorized representatives in the EU and EEA countries) are required to register products with an EU energy label in the EPRELdatabasebefore placing them on the EU market. This requirement also applies to Northern Ireland (XI) under the UK withdrawal agreement from the EU since January 1, 2021.
Manufacturers from third countries must have an importer or legal representative in the mentioned countries to register their products. Before registering products, suppliers must first register their organization and get it electronically verified. Detailed instructions on managing the registration process in EPREL are available in the provided guidelines and wiki.
Before you have to register and sign in on EU Webgate.