Pyrotechnic Articles
The EU Directive
Traceability of pyrotechnic articles
Harmonised standards
Who certifies the articles?
Guidance documents and agreed interpretations of the Forum of Notified Bodies
Guidance documents of the group of experts
- Directive 2013/29/EUSearch for available translations of the preceding linkEN••• of the European Parliament and of the Council on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of pyrotechnic articles (recast) was adopted on 12 June 2013 and became fully applicable on 1 July 2015¹, replacing and repealing Directive 2007/23/EC.
- ¹Except point 4 of Annex I (essential safety requirements), which had to be applied from 4 July 2013.
- Press release
Traceability of pyrotechnic articles
- On 16 April 2014, Commission Implementing Directive 2014/58/EU was adopted, setting up a system for the traceability of pyrotechnic articles at EU level. This Implementing Directive became applicable on 17 October 2016.
- List of web-pages published by the notified bodies containing their respective registers of issued certificates, pursuant to Article 2(1), third paragraph, of Implementing Directive 2014/58/EU.
Harmonised standards
- Pyrotechnic articles which are in conformity with harmonised standards, the references of which have been published in the Official Journal of the European Union, are presumed to be in conformity with the essential safety requirements set out in Annex I of Directive 2013/29/EU.
- Updated publication of references (OJ C 149 of 12.05.2017) of harmonised standards for the implementation of Directive 2013/29/EU
Who certifies the articles?
- NANDO database (click on 'Legislation' and then on '2013/29/EU Pyrotechnic articles')
Guidance documents and agreed interpretations of the Forum of Notified Bodies
- Pyrotechnic Families Guidance
- Guidance on conformity assessment procedures
- Guidance on conformity assessment procedures - modules B, C2, D, E, G and H
- Clarifications and resolutions of the forum of notified bodies
- Guidance for reporting of negative conformity assessment
- Guidance for a practical conformity assessment (247 kB) according to module D in the automotive industry
Guidance documents of the group of experts
- Categorisation of pyrotechnic articles intended for entertainment purposes (available in 23 EU languages)
- Reporting of accidents with pyrotechnic articles
- Conclusion: determining classification of borderline pyrotechnic articles
- Final report: study on illegal sales of pyrotechnic articles destined for professional users
- Executive summary: study on illegal sales of pyrotechnic articles destined for professional users