You have identified your substance, you inquired ECHA and you have registered your substance. Now ECHA and the Member States evaluate all the info you submitted and evaluate if your substance could constitute a risk.
Who evaluate if your substance constitues a risk? ECHA and Members States
What could happen after the evaluation?
ECHA could ask more info to the applicant
decide restrictions on the use of a substance
Basic information
ECHA and the Member States evaluate the information submitted by companies to examine the quality of the registration dossiers and the testing proposals and to clarify if a given substance constitutes a risk to human health or the environment.
Evaluation under REACH focuses on three different areas:
Examination of testing proposals submitted by registrants
Compliance check of the dossiers submitted by registrants
Substance evaluation
Once the evaluation is done, registrants may be required to submit further information on the substance.
In line with Article 54 of the REACH Regulation, by 28 February of each year, ECHA has to publish a report on the progress it has made over the previous calendar year on its obligations in relation to evaluation. ECHA is specifically required to include recommendations to potential registrants to foster improvement in the quality of future registrations, in these reports.