Your company can either host an exchange or send a member of staff on an exchange. To take part you need to register at the matchmaking platform, where you can post the profile of the type of employee you are intending to send or host.
Once you connect with another company via the platform, you have to send your application to the corresponding national contact point (they will be allocated to you when you register) so your exchange can be validated.
The exchanges can be for the following periods: 2 weeks, 1 month, 1.5 months and 2 months. For the pilot scheme you can arrange to make exchanges up until the end of June 2017.
Who can apply?
Eligible countries: to take part in the scheme, your company must be based on one of the following countries:
EU countries
Candidate and potential candidate countries (Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo)
EEA countries and EFTA countries (Liechtenstein, Iceland, Norway)
Hosting exchange partners
Any type or size of company can become a host and there is no limit to the amount of exchanges they can host.
Sending exchange partnersOnly the following company types can apply to send staff on an exchange:
One-man enterprises (only the following liberal professions: lawyers, notaries, tax accountants, certified financial auditors, medical doctors, pharmacists, psychologists, architects, engineers)
Companies can send up to 2 members of staff on an exchange.
Financial support
If your exchange is approved, the visiting employee will get financial support to cover their travel and living costs; this amount has a set limit:
(Maximum amount per period while staying in this country (in €))