SET Plan Steering Group
The SET Plan Steering Group consists of high-level representatives from EU countries, as well as Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, and Turkey.
It ensures better alignment between the different research and innovation programmes at EU and national level, as well as the SET Plan priorities. It also increases cooperation between national programmes to avoid duplication and heightens the impact of public investment.
Steering Group Meetings
Annual SET Conferences
The annual SET Plan conferences have been organised since 2008 and offers a chance for decision-makers, stakeholders and researchers to assess the SET Plan's progress. The conference follows the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU and takes place in corresponding country.
- Publication: SET Plan delivering results (November 2018)
- Publication: The Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan (September 2019)
- Publication: Transforming the European Energy System through Innovation
- Communication - Towards an Integrated Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan (C/2015/6317)
- Investment in the Technologies of the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SWD(2013) 157) and the accompanying Technology Assessment (SWD(2013) 158)
- Investing in the development of low carbon technologies (SET Plan) (COM(2009)519)
- A European strategic energy technology plan (SET Plan) - Towards a low carbon future (COM(2007)723)
- Towards a European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (COM(2006)847)