You can contribute in any of the 24 official EU languages.
You will be asked to log in to the Commission site using "EU Login" (if you are not registered, you will need to do so) or with a social media account. Your contribution will be analyzed and published on the same page as the Public Consultation, where you will be able to access again to read all the contributions. If you need the assistance of eEuropa Belgium to finalize your contribution, write to us and we will send you proposals. |
Brussels - Milano - Nice - Tokyo
eEuropa Belgium
Avenue Louise, 367 1050 Brussels BELGIUM Bld. Franck Pilatte, 19 bis
06300 Nice FRANCE YONO HOUSE 9-1 KAMIOCHIAI, SAITAMA-SHI, SAITAMA-KEN 〒 338-0001 JAPAN Via S. Veniero 6 20148 Milano ITALY |