Energy taxation
This paradox, which does not allow for a coherent strategy in Europe, was put on the index by the European Commission which in 2019 presented a document to urge a qualified majority voting system, and no longer unanimously, within of the EU Council (made up of representatives of the 27 EU countries) for decisions on energy taxation. With the current unanimous voting system, any country can veto any reform.
The fact is that the current fiscal framework has not changed since 2003 and still contains a number of incentives for fossil fuels, despite the EU's ambitious energy and climate targets and international commitments. These tax advantages have been persistent over the past decade in the EU and amounted to around € 40 billion in 2016. In the side, you can read a factsheet on energy taxation for energy products, which provides detailed figures. The Commission report from 2019 that evaluates the energy tax directive, is pointing out that existing gaps and inconsistencies significantly hamper the EU’s energy, climate and transport objectives. |
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