Last July, the EU Council adopted a Commission proposal to reduce gas consumption by 15% between 1 August 2022 and 31 March 2023. And to give the Commission the possibility to declare, after consulting the Member States, a "Union alert" on security of supply, imposing a mandatory reduction of gas demand on all Member States. The Union alarm should be triggered when there is a substantial risk of a severe gas shortage or exceptionally high demand for gas. Member States should update their national contingency plans by the end of September to show how they intend to achieve the reduction target and should report to the Commission on the progress every two months. Member States requesting solidarity gas supplies will have to demonstrate the measures they have taken to reduce demand at national level. What the EU has adopted 27
Voluntary demand reduction On voluntary basis, Member States shall use their best efforts to reduce their gas consumption in the period from 1 August 2022 to 31 March 2023 at least by 15 % compared to their average gas consumption in the period from 1 August to 31 March during the five consecutive years preceding the date of entry into force of this Regulation (‘voluntary demand reduction’). Articles 6, 7 and 8 of the Regulation shall apply to those voluntary demand-reduction measures. |
"Being Member of eEuropa gave us a boost from the very beginning. We are now informed on a daily basis of the decisions taken in Brussels on energy matters. We have a perfect strategic vision, knowing in advance the future political objectives, without taking risks. We now have what we need to confidently invest in research, innovation and production. "
Client, Vice-President of the strategic planning