Brussels, |
The European Innovation Scoreboard 2023 highlights a substantial improvement of innovation performance of 25 countries. 20 Member States experienced a significant rise in their innovation capabilities, while only seven observed a decline. Nevertheless, countries with less strong innovation systems tend to improve less rapidly than the EU average.
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​EU Legislative Activity
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Cities and urban developmentEU works with cities to ensure a good quality of life.
See how the Commission helps cities to grow sustainably through sharing of knowledge, funding, and other urban policies and initiatives. |
Climate change and risk preventionThe recent acceleration of climate change can only have devastating consequences for life and for society itself. For this reason, the EU helps the Regions of Europe to find solutions for their own development that are compatible with the preservation of the environment in which they live.
Competition for Regional developmentEach EU member state can contribute to the development of its own Regions, but on condition that the competition rules are not altered, without which state aid can create "far west" systems, where the Regions compete unfairly. to collaborate.
CultureEuropean culture has regional specificities and connotations that are almost unique to the rest of the world, as the eventful history of the European continent has also shaped and been shaped by culture in all its expressions. The EU is therefore careful to safeguard the cultural identity of each individual region,.
Education and trainingThe true wealth of each Region: Education and training, European social fund for better education, skills and career development. Latest news, project information.
Employment and labour marketThe interest of the EU is to have Regions with high employment rates, less and less dependent on public aid and more and more attractive for investors. All for the benefit of citizens.
Energy: production, mobility and networksThe EU Cohesion Policy 2021-2027 allocated a budget for a greener, low-carbon transitioning towards a net zero carbon economy and resilient Europe, by promoting clean and fair energy transition, green and blue investment, ecc.
EU enlargement candidate countriesThe EU has made various programs and financial instruments available to the candidate countries, like INTERREG. EU intervenes a lot at the local level, to have an immediate positive impact.
Environment and resource efficiencySince it is the Regions that have a fundamental role in the growth and environmental preservation of their territory, the EU has various policies to act directly at the local level: from agriculture, to environmental protection, to the management of natural resources.
Europe's outermost regionsThe EU has many peripheral and ultra-peripheral regions. They are characterized by different climates, by very specific social traditions, by territories with very different economic realities. For this reason, particular attention is paid to which regions and their inhabitants.