Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
Health . Health throughout the life course . Environmental and social health determinants . Non-communicable and rare diseases . Infectious diseases including poverty-related and neglected diseases . Tools, technologies and digital solutions for health and care including personalised medicine . Health care systems
Digital, Industry and Space . Manufacturing technologies . Key digital technologies including quantum technologies . Emerging enabling technologies . Advanced materials . Artificial intelligence and robotics . Next generation internet . Advanced computing and Big Data . Circular industries . Low carbon and clean industries . Space including earth observation
Climate, Energy and Mobility . Climate science and solutions . Energy supply . Energy systems and grids . Buildings and industrial facilities in energy transition . Communities and cities . Industrial competitiveness in transport . Clean, safe and accessible transport and mobility . Smart mobility . Energy storage
Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment . Environmental observation . Biodiversity and natural resources . Agriculture, forestry and rural areas . Seas, oceans and inland waters . Food systems . Bio-based innovation systems in the EU's bioeconomy . Circular systems
Non-nuclear direct actions of the Joint Research Centre . Strengthening the knowledge base for policy making . Health . Culture, creativity and inclusive society . Digital, industry and space; . Climate, energy and mobility . Food, bio-economy, natural resources, agriculture and environment . Innovation, economic development, and competitiveness . Scientific excellence . Territorial development and support for EU countries and regions
EU Research by theme
Pillar III
Innovative Europe
European Innovation Council . Supporting early stage development . Pathway to commercial development for promising research results . Support SMEs, startups and small mid-caps to bridge the financing gap . Prizes and fellowships, and business added-value services
. Builds interconnected, inclusive innovation ecosystems across Europe . Network connectivity within and between innovation ecosystems . Supports the European Partnership for Innovative SMEs (Eurostars 3)
. Strengthening sustainable innovation ecosystems across Europe . Development of entrepreneurial and innovation skills and support the Entrepreneurial transformation of EU universities . Bringing new solutions to global societal challenges to the market . Creating synergies and added-value within Horizon Europe
EU Research by theme
Other activity
Widening participation and spreading excellence Teaming: Support/create centres of excellences . Twinning: Develop excellence in chosen research and innovation domain, increase visibility of the research institutions and universities, and upskill its staff . ERA Chairs, to support universities or research organisations to attract and maintain high quality human resources and help excellent scientists and their teams to become game changers in their field . European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST), cross-border scientific network helping excellent researchers and innovators get access to the European and international networks
. Strengthening the evidence base for research and innovation policy, for a better understanding of the different dimensions and components of national and regional research and innovation ecosystems, including drivers, impacts, associated polices . Foresight activities, to anticipate emerging needs and trends, in coordination and co-design with national agencies and future-oriented stakeholders . Support for policy makers, funding bodies, research performing organisations (including universities) or advisory groups working on the European Research Area and related policies . Accelerating the transition towards open science, by monitoring, analysing and supporting the development and uptake of open science policies and practices . Support for synergies between research and innovation and higher education policies and programmes, in particular towards a modernised higher education sector, benefitting from targeted transformations in higher education, research, and innovation support for interconnected knowledge ecosystems, strong in knowledge creation, circulation and use . Strengthening research careers, to ensure research and innovation talents benefit from attractive careers, and a highly skilled workforce can circulate freely
. Defence research and development . Innovative and competitive defence industrial base
Euratom Research and Training Programme . Adaptation to Climate Change . Climate-neutral and smart cities . Cancer fight . Soil Deal for Europe . Restore our Oceans and Waters
EU Research by Partnership
European Partnerships
Within the framework of the objectives indicated in Horizon Europe, the EU intends to create European partnerships to bring together the European Commission and private and/or public partners, with the aim of jointly carrying out research and innovation initiatives of far-reaching or require synergies. Thanks to these Partnerships, the duplication of investments and the fragmentation of research actions are also avoided.
The actions listed above are the research and innovation contribution of the EU's multiannual Horizon Europe program to the Missions that the EU has set itself for the period 2021-2027