Brussels, |
In April 2021, the Council and European Parliament adopted a regulation establishing the new EU space programme for the years 2021 to 2027.
It will ensure:
The regulation simplifies the existing EU legal framework and governance system and standardises the security framework. It improves and brings together existing EU programmes such as Copernicus, Galileo and EGNOS under one umbrella. The programme also introduces new security components, such as the Space and Situational Awareness (SSA) programme or the new Governmental Satellite Communication (GOVSATCOM) initiative to monitor space hazards and provide national authorities with access to secure satellite communications. |
While striving to strengthen existing European space assets and services, EU Space Programme also target start-ups and SMEs, which develop innovative solutions based on space technologies, data and services. The EU Space Programme supports the European space industry and promotes the emergence of a European ‘New Space’ eco-system fostering entrepreneurship, innovation and new funding opportunities.
Today, EU Space Programme is dealing with:
The EU Space Programme is implemented in close cooperation with the EU Member States, the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA), the European Space Agency (ESA), EUMETSAT and many other stakeholders. The Programme's main targets are decision-makers, public authorities, EU commercial and private users and others, such as researchers and nongovernmental organisations. Ultimately, the programme serves the needs of EU citizens. The information gathered by the EU-owned satellites and the services which they provide are a public good, freely accessible to all. The following flagship current and future components deliver European space-based services on a daily basis: